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2019 ICG Scholarship Applications

15 Nov 2018
The International Cinematographers Guild Scholarship Fund is offering ten $5,000.00 educational scholarships for Local 600 members in good standing, and their eligible children, step-children, grandchildren, step-grandchildren, and dependents where legal guardianship applies (collectively referred to as "children").
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California Wildfires Disaster Relief

12 Nov 2018
Our hearts go out to all the Californians and their communities devastated by the fires. For Local 600 members who have been impacted, we have listed various industry resources below. In addition, we understand the IATSE will soon be offering additional resources. As soon as that information is available, we will provide it here on our website. We thank the many firefighters, emergency responders, volunteers, and helpers in their efforts to assist people in those affected areas.