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What are Safety Bulletins? 

Safety Bulletins are researched, written, and distributed by the Industry-Wide Labor-Management Safety Committee for use by the motion picture and television industry. The Industry-Wide Labor-Management Safety Committee is composed of guild, union, and management representatives active in industry safety and health programs. Access the Safety Bulletins.

Introducing Safety Bulletin #45 - "Guidelines for Long or Successive Takes" (3/17/2022) 

Local 600's Safety Committee is excited to announce the release of CSATF Safety Bulletin #45, "Guidelines for Long or Successive Takes", which offers members and business reps a new tool to help prevent injuries resulting from long takes. It has been a long road to get here, and both members and staff of Local 600 played a major role in pushing the bulletin forward. In 2018, the Unscripted Working Group developed a proposal that Local 600 introduced at the Videotape Agreement Negotiations to limit the duration of handheld takes. The AMPTP rejected the proposal but agreed to refer the issue to the Industry-Wide Joint Labor-Management Safety Committee on which Local 600 sits.