
Members Affected by the Ongoing Wildfires
As wildfires continue to affect Southern California, many members in the Los Angeles area are facing significant challenges, including displacement and evacuation. During this difficult time, your union is here to offer support, resources, and guidance to help you navigate recovery efforts. More info
Making Safety on Set a Priority
Welcome to Local 600's safety section. Our members' safety while working on set is always at the forefront. Explore this section to access resources aimed at safeguarding our members during their work on set. Remember, if you see something, say something.
- Safety Rides & Rooms Initiative
- ICG Safety App
Download the ICG Safety App to your mobile device
- Harassment in the Workplace
ICG Statement on Sexual Harassment, Policies on Workplace Harassment & Discrimination, IATSE Statement and Resolution
- Safety Phone Numbers
ICG Safety Hotline, Studio Hotlines, OSHA
- 7 Steps to Practice Safe Sets
7 actions members can take to promote safety on sets
- Safety Research and Information
4EHS Protective Clothing, BECTU Report on Long Hours, Handheld Filming in Vehicles, Health Issues with Excessive Takes and Handheld Recording, The Human Face of Unsafe Hours, RF Transmitter Best Practices
- Safety Bulletins
Safety Bulletins are researched, written, and distributed by the Industry-Wide Labor-Management Safety Committee for use by the motion picture and television industry
- Safety Training
IATSE Entertainment & Exhibition Industries Training Trust Fund, Contract Services Safety Pass Program
- Safety Videos
- Safety FAQs
RF Transmitter Safety, Specialized Work Assignments (Hazard Pay), Workplace Safety Complaints
- Safety Bill of Rights
How to protect yourself and others by exercising your rights