IATSE, PGA, DGA and Other Guilds Offer Grants and Assistance to Those Displaced by Wildfires
"Storytelling and Gun Safety" Panel at Sundance 2024
The death of Director of Photography Halyna Hutchins on the set of Rust in 2021 is the latest in a long running stream of tragedies due to th
Have Safety Expertise, Will Travel
At industry trade shows and conventions, amidst the discussions of craft, gear and innovation, Local 600 has begun to formally promote a topic which the guild maintains is no less important to the
See Something? Say Something
Sensitivity and anti-harassment training have become regular features/conditions of employment, often as a way of satisfying state regulations or protecting the employer from potential liability.
Back to Prom and Beyond
While most of us would admit there haven’t been a lot of silver linings during the Coronavirus pandemic, Camera Assistant Penny Sprague has found a few.
Shooting "Children of the Corn" During Pandemic
Looking back at his experience on the remake of Children of the Corn -- Andrew Rowlands’ first feature film assignment as principal director of photography -- the veteran camera operator i
Ambar Capoor: Targeting Areas of Need
Note: The above photo of Ambar Capoor was taken during a static shot. Airbags are disabled and the car is immobilized.
DITs Join the COVID Fight
Not all scientific research takes place in a lab. Nor are all the people running the tests and crunching the numbers microbiologists or infectious disease specialists.
3D Agents of Shield
“I’ve always been a tinkerer,” describes L.A.-based camera operator Andrew Brinkhaus. “When the COVID-19 shut down hit, like many, I got online and started reading.
Safety Heroes
Experts agree on this point: when it comes to safety, the film and TV industry has been complacent for too long.
Safety First Everywhere
Want to start your workday off on the right footing? Make the first shot of the day a “Jonesey.”