3D Agents of Shield

03 Apr 2020

“I’ve always been a tinkerer,” describes L.A.-based camera operator Andrew Brinkhaus. “When the COVID-19 shut down hit, like many, I got online and started reading.

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Volunteers, Members Who Need Help, Connections, Go to IATSECares.org

02 Apr 2020
At the last NEB meeting, I rolled out the 600 Strong website we put together to connect members in need with those who would like to volunteer. The responses I heard were overwhelmingly positive and I can’t thank you enough for that. Since then, IATSE has launched a website called IATSE Cares (www.iatsecares.org), which not only does exactly what we were trying to accomplish, but in some ways does it better.
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IATSE Union Launches Mutual Aid Effort, IATSECARES.org

30 Mar 2020
New York, NY — IATSE launched its mutual aid program, dubbed Coronavirus Active Response and Engagement Service (C.A.R.E.S.) on Saturday. Through a new website, iatsecares.org the program facilitates volunteer deliveries for at-risk members, as well as a system for volunteers to intermittently check in with other members by phone.
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Congress Passes "CARES" Act Providing Immediate Economic Relief for Entertainment Workers

27 Mar 2020
Washington — In its latest response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, Congress has passed a third package of emergency relief legislation, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security “CARES” Act. This bill will provide tangible and immediate economic relief for entertainment workers across the United States, many of whom found themselves out of work overnight due to COVID-19 related cancellations across all sectors of the entertainment industry.
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NAB Show Off for April

11 Mar 2020
In the interest of addressing the health and safety concerns of our stakeholders and in consultation with partners throughout the media and entertainment industry, [we] have decided not to move forward with NAB Show in April.
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IATSE Charters New Arts & Cultural Workers Local in Vancouver

06 Mar 2020
VANCOUVER, BC – On February 5, the IATSE issued a charter to the newly-formed Arts and Cultural Workers Union (ACWU), IATSE Local B-778.  Charter members of the new Local had already established the Vancouver Artists Labour Union Co-operative (VALU CO-OP), an innovative workers’ co-operative that facilitates fair, flexible, secure, and democratic employment for artists.