10 Questions with Wolf Schneider
A Yard Sale With a Heart
The Local 600 Hardship Fund got a boost and several ICG members landed great deals on some valuable equipment, all via an inventive Memorial Day weekend fundraiser.
Keith Sherman - Surviving COVID and More
“The only thing we can count on, is change,” says Keith Sherman.
DITs Join the COVID Fight
Not all scientific research takes place in a lab. Nor are all the people running the tests and crunching the numbers microbiologists or infectious disease specialists.
Julie Donovan: The Logistics of Stitching
Question: What’s a person who freely admits she can’t sew doing in an organization that is furiously stitching masks to send to hospitals all over Georgia?
Answer: Making a difference.
A Generous Menu at Roots Café
The much-loved coffee, sandwiches and baked goods available at Brooklyn’s Roots Café now come with something extra: a generous serving of love, compassion and hope.
On the Road and Back: Scott Browner Lends a Hand
Spotlight: Claire Folger
Several years ago, a camera assistant friend of Claire Folger’s drew the comparison between a film camera and a rather different device.
3D Agents of Shield
“I’ve always been a tinkerer,” describes L.A.-based camera operator Andrew Brinkhaus. “When the COVID-19 shut down hit, like many, I got online and started reading.
Spotlight: Eric Dyson
In the motion picture and TV industry, professional connections are everything.
Safety First Everywhere
Want to start your workday off on the right footing? Make the first shot of the day a “Jonesey.”