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The 10 Best Shots of Cinematographer Roger Deakins

24 May 2021
English cinematographer Roger Deakins is known all around the world for his unforgettable constructions of brilliant visual narratives. Over the course of his career, he has collaborated with talented filmmakers like the Coen Brothers and Denis Villeneuve among others. Deakins has several prestigious accolades to his name, including five BAFTA wins in the Best Cinematography category and two Academy Awards.
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‘We Are the Met’: Opera Unions Rally Against Proposed Pay Cuts

13 May 2021
As New York prepares for the long-awaited reopening of its performing arts sector, with several Broadway shows putting tickets on sale for the fall, it is still unclear whether the Metropolitan Opera will be able to reach the labor agreements it needs to bring up its heavy golden curtain for the gala opening night it hopes to hold in September.
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Sports Unions Come Together to Fight for the PRO Act

06 May 2021
The PRO Act is about as important a piece of labor legislation as we’ve seen in some time. It holds the potential to open the door for workers and organizers to step up and reverse 40 years of losses for organized labor. The law, whose initials stand for Protecting the Right to Organize, aims to do just that: protect workers from being harassed or fired if they try to organize a union or if they try to help their already existing union become more active in their workplace. This is seen as the number one legislative priority for organized labor. The bill’s chances of passing the Senate are regarded as slim, but that isn’t stopping the union movement from trying to get it passed.
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Foundation Launches Program To Diversify Production Pipeline

05 May 2021
The Entertainment Industry Foundation has launched the EIF Careers Program, an initiative designed to create a more diverse talent pipeline to careers in film and television by increasing the number of underrepresented candidates in entry-level production jobs. EIF says it also plans to expand the program to include entry-level corporate and administrative roles, as well.