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IATSE Preparing Members For Possible Strike

17 Sep 2021
IATSE is continuing to prepare its members for a possible strike or a lockout if it can’t make a deal with management’s AMPTP for a new film and TV contract. The union’s current contract was set to expire July 31 but was extended through September 10, the union says, “in an effort to exhaust every opportunity to make a deal.”
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DP Wally Pfister: LA Rams’ Supernatural SoFi Stadium Video

12 Sep 2021
As the Los Angeles Rams take the field at SoFi Stadium on Sunday — marking the team’s first game in the new $5.5 billion venue with fans in the seats — players will come out a 90-second hype video flashing across the Jumbotron, showing Angelenos being drawn to the stadium by an almost supernatural force.
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Basic Agreement Bargaining Update

31 Aug 2021
After more than six weeks of negotiation over a period of four months, it remains clear that the employers are unwilling to resolve our priority issues - living wages, reasonable rest, meal breaks, sustainable benefits and streaming (aka “not so new media”).
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Does #MeToo Need Time’s Up?

27 Aug 2021
After a month of brutal headlines, Time’s Up CEO Tina Tchen resigned on Thursday, leaving behind deep questions about the organization’s mission and values and whether it can continue in its current form.