2024 Basic Agreement Negotiations
Welcome to our negotiations page, your go-to hub for the latest updates and information on ongoing discussions. Here, members can access up-to-date information to stay informed and engaged through the negotiation process.
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Negotiations Update: Local 600 Members Ratify 2024 Basic Agreement (July 18, 2024)
The IATSE has announced the 2024 Basic Agreement has been ratified. 71% of eligible Local 600 members participated in the vote, with over 88% voting to approve ratification of the agreement. Read the update from the IATSE.
This contract represents the work and input of countless members, as well union leadership, and staff. We also want to acknowledge the enormous solidarity and support between the 13 Hollywood Locals. Your Local 600 Bargaining Committee, made up of members from across all classifications and regions, met over 25 times from February 2023 to June 2024. The needs of the membership were always front of mind, and you shared your valuable insight with record-setting participation via member surveys, town halls, membership meetings, a dedicated bargaining email address, and one-on-one conversations. You spoke and your bargaining committee listened, bringing your priorities to negotiations.
Starting Sunday, August 4, the newly ratified Basic Agreement will go into effect, with the Videotape Agreement going into effect on September 29. Read the Ratification Newsletter.
Negotiations Update: IATSE Members Overwhelmingly Ratify Hollywood Basic and Area Standards Agreements (July 18, 2024)
The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) announced its members have overwhelmingly voted to ratify both the 2024-2027 Hollywood Basic Agreement and the 2024-2027 Area Standards Agreement, Thursday.
With 85.9% of members’ votes in favor of approving the Hollywood Basic and 87.2% in favor of approving the Area Standards Agreement, all Locals voted in favor and the delegate counts in favor were unanimous for both contracts. Turnout was historically high, with strong majorities of members participating in both votes. Read full update
2024 Basic Agreement Information
National Executive Board Votes to Recommend Ratification (July 13, 2024)
On Saturday, July 13, our National Executive Board convened a Special Meeting and overwhelmingly approved to recommend ratification to the membership. This decision follows the endorsements of the IATSE bargaining committee, composed of representatives from all 13 Hollywood Locals, and Local 600's negotiating committee, both of which also endorsed ratification. Please remember to participate and vote!
Negotiations Update: Detailed Summary of Basic Agreement (June 28, 2024)
Please find materials detailing the terms and conditions for the Basic and Videotape Agreements, as well as the Camera, Publicists, and Amendment Agreements. Once the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for the Basic Agreement has been drafted, the Local will share it with the members. Read more.
Area Standards Agreement Negotiating Committee Has Reached a Tentative Agreement with the AMPTP (June 28, 2024)
The Area Standards Agreement Negotiating Committee has reached a tentative agreement with the AMPTP. Below are a
few of the details about the proposed deal and what happens next.
A complete summary of the ASA tentative agreement will be distributed to the ASA Local members shortly simultaneously with the summary of the Basic Agreement tentative agreement to the members of L.A. Locals. Within a couple of weeks, the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), which is the actual proposed contract language, will be distributed for your review. In addition to local town hall meetings, a multi-local webinar will take place on Sunday, July 14th at 4 PM EST to review the proposed language in the MOA. Read Full Update
IATSE, AMPTP Jointly Announce Tentative Agreement for Hollywood Basic Agreement and Videotape Agreement (June 25, 2024)
The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) and Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) announced a tentative agreement on all issues for the Hollywood Basic Agreement and Videotape Agreement negotiations. Read full update
Negotiations Update: Joint Letter from the 13 Hollywood Locals (June 25, 2024)
The Basic Agreement Negotiating Committee has reached a tentative agreement with the AMPTP. Below are a few of the details about the proposed deal. A complete summary of the tentative agreement will be released in a few days, and in addition to local town hall meetings, a multi-local webinar will take place on Saturday, July 13th at noon PDT to review the proposed language in the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). To avoid undermining our fellow members in the Area Standards Agreement (ASA) Locals, who remain in negotiations with the AMPTP, we will wait to release full summaries of both tentative agreements simultaneously. Read full letter
Negotiations Update: IATSE, AMPTP Confirm Additional Bargaining Dates, Talks to Resume June 24 (June 11, 2024)
The parties will resume talks on June 24 for the Hollywood Basic Agreement and the Area Standards Agreement. The negotiations are scheduled to conclude on June 27. Read full update
Negotiations Update: IATSE, AMPTP To Schedule Additional Dates to Close Hollywood Basic Agreement (June 6, 2024)
The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) reached the end of scheduled bargaining dates for the Hollywood Basic Agreement on Thursday. While the parties did not reach a tentative agreement, talks remain ongoing with further dates to be scheduled as soon as next week. Read full update
Negotiations Update: IATSE, AMPTP Conclude Schedule Talks on Area Standards Agreement (June 1, 2024)
International President Matthew D. Loeb stated, “I want to thank the ASA Negotiating Committee for their thorough work to prepare for these negotiations. Their contribution helped ensure we have the momentum we need at the table. I'm hopeful that we will soon reach a tentative agreement that members will want to ratify.” Read full update
Not Alone - The Power of Solidarity [Video] (May 29, 2024)
We are all in this together. Film and tv workers across crafts, contracts, and unions stand united for a fair deal. Do you stand with us?
#IASolidarity Car Painting + Shirt Stenciling Events on Friday, May 31

On Friday, May 31, members are welcome at the Local’s offices for car painting and shirt stenciling #IASolidarity events. Let’s display our solidarity and support for our bargaining team as we prepare to go back into general negotiations on June 3rd.
Atlanta will host a car painting event, New York and Chicago will host shirt stenciling, and Los Angeles combines car painting and shirt stenciling with screen printing, courtesy of Local 871. Bring a t-shirt or any item of clothing you want stenciled with solidarity! No RSVP is required.
Area Standards Agreement: IATSE and AMPTP Conclude First Week of Negotiations (May 24, 2024)
Area Standards Agreement (ASA) Negotiations between the IATSE and AMPTP have concluded their first of two scheduled weeks. ASA Locals are located across the country, and many members of the national IATSE Locals (600, 700, and 800) work alongside these entertainment workers on film and television projects. The latest ASA Negotiations update from the IATSE can be read here.
They Need to Show Up [Video] (May 22, 2024)
As IATSE members, we grind day in and day out behind the scenes to bring TV shows and movies to life for billions of viewers. The Hollywood Studios need to show up and offer IATSE workers the contract we deserve. Listen to IATSE International Vice President Mike Miller on Deadline's 'Strike Talk' Podcast, discussing the ongoing negotiations between IATSE and the AMPTP

Negotiations Update: Joint Letter from the 13 Hollywood Locals (May 17, 2024)
As the leaders of the 13 Hollywood Locals, we wanted to further update you on the status of negotiations. We concluded our last scheduled day in this round of negotiations at 12 am this morning. While we’ve made progress on many proposals, we remain too far apart on key points to reach a successful conclusion within the allotted time. Read full letter.
Negotiations Update: Hollywood Basic General Negotiations Week 3 Wraps With New Bargaining Dates Expected In June, ASA Talks Set to Start (May 17, 2024)
The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) completed a third week of Basic Agreement General Negotiations on Thursday following their restart on April 29th.
Bargaining topics this week included retirement and health benefits, as well as further exchanges around artificial intelligence (AI), wages and working conditions, subcontracting, the Videotape Agreement and Side Letters. Read full update.
Negotiations Update: Joint Letter from the Thirteen Hollywood Locals (May 14, 2024)
As we continue with our fourth week of negotiations, we want to express our appreciation for your ongoing support as we continue to negotiate a new tentative Basic Agreement with the AMPTP.
On Saturday, during negotiations at the AMPTP, we received the devastating news of the loss of our brother, Rico Priem of Local 80. Rico tragically died in an automobile accident on his way home from set in the early morning hours after a 14-hour shift on the show, “9-1-1.” Following a solemn moment of remembrance, we collectively agreed to pause our work for the day to prioritize supporting Rico’s family, the crew, Local 80’s business representatives, and the ongoing investigation. A set visit from Local representatives took place Monday morning, and we returned to the AMPTP yesterday with a renewed commitment to the pursuit of our working conditions proposals. Read full letter.
Negotiations Update: 2nd Week of Basic General Negotiations With AMPTP Wraps Following Discussions On AI, Wages and Working Conditions (May 10, 2024)
The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) completed a second week of Basic Agreement General Negotiations on Friday following their restart on April 29th.
Bargaining topics this week included proposals covering artificial intelligence (AI), wages and working conditions, subcontracting, the Videotape Agreement and Side Letters. Read full update.
Hollywood Basic General Negotiations Update: Talks Continue Between IATSE And the AMPTP Following A Week of Basic Agreement General Negotiations (May 3, 2024)
The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) completed the first week of Basic Agreement General Negotiations on Friday. Read full update.
IATSE Bargaining Update with IATSE's Mike Miller on "Deadline Strike Talk" Podcast. (April 26, 2024)
"The IA is going to the table to negotiate a contract, not negotiate a strike." IATSE Vice President Mike Miller explains the importance of the ongoing basic agreement negotiations on the "Deadline Strike Talk" podcast. Listen here.

Hollywood Basic Local Negotiations Update: Joint Letter From The 13 IATSE Hollywood Locals (April 28, 2024)
As the 13 Hollywood Locals have successfully concluded their Local-specific negotiations, we are shifting focus back to the bigger challenge ahead of all of us. The upcoming Basic Agreement/General Negotiations, which are scheduled to begin on Monday, April 29, will be both more complex and consequential, as they encompass the larger and most important issues impacting the crafts represented by the 13 Hollywood Locals. Read full letter.
Hollywood Basic Local Negotiations Update: Locals 44, 884 Reach Tentative Agreements with AMPTP, Basic General Negotiations to Resume (April 26, 2024)
This week marked the conclusion of negotiations between each of the 13 individual West Coast Studio Locals of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP). Affiliated Property Craftspersons Local 44 reached a tentative agreement with the employers on April 25 while Studio Teachers, IATSE Local 884, reached a tentative agreement with the employers on April 19. Read full update.
Hollywood Basic Local Negotiations Update: Local 705 Becomes 11th To Reach Tentative Agreement With AMPTP (April 19, 2024)
The Motion Picture Costumers, IATSE Local 705, reached a tentative agreement with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) on Wednesday. Read full update
Hollywood Basic Local Negotiations Update: Local 728 Joins 700 and 892 In The Latest Group To Reach Tentative Agreements (April 12, 2024)
With the close of Local 728's in-person negotiations, now 10 of the 13 West Coast Studio Locals (80, 600, 695, 706, 729, 800, 700, 728, 871 and 892) have reached tentative agreements with the AMPTP. Both Motion Picture Editors Guild, Local 700, and Costume Designers Guild, Local 892, reached their tentative agreements on April 5. Read full update
Negotiations: Where We Are & What's Next (Video) (April 9, 2024)
Hollywood Basic Local Negotiations Update: Local 871 Reaches Tentative Agreement, 728, 892 and 700 to Continue Talks (April 5, 2024)
Following three days of in-person negotiations, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 871 reached a tentative agreement with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) on their craft-specific issues on Wednesday. Now seven of the 13 West Coast Studio Locals (80, 600, 695, 706, 729, 800 and 871) have reached tentative agreements with the AMPTP. Read full update
Hollywood Basic Local Negotiations Update: Locals 80, 706 Reach TentativeAgreements with AMPTP, Basic and Area Standards Schedules to Shift in May (April 2, 2024)
Last week, three West Coast Studio Locals of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) reached tentative agreements with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP). Make-up Artists & Hair Stylists Guild, Local 706, reached a tentative agreement with the AMPTP on March 27 while Local 80 reached a tentative agreement with the employers on March 28. It was previously announced Local 695 had reached a tentative agreement with the employers on Monday, March 25. Read full update
Hollywood Basic Local Negotiations Update: Local 695 Reaches Tentative Agreement With AMPTP, Other Locals’ Talks to Follow (March 26, 2024)
Following a day of in-person negotiations, the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) and International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 695 reached a tentative agreement on the Locals’ craft-specific issues, Monday. IATSE International Vice President Mike Miller commented, “I applaud the leadership shown by Local 695’s Negotiating Committee. Their work to prepare thoroughly for this round of negotiations helped pave the way for this tentative agreement." Read full update
Hollywood Basic Local Negotiations Update: Locals 600, 729 and 800 Reach Tentative Agreements With AMPTP (March 22, 2024)
This week marked the successful conclusion of in-person bargaining with International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Locals 600, 729 and 800 and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP). These Locals have reached tentative agreements with employers on their craft-specific issues. Read full update
Bargaining Update: Local Negotiations Day #3 (March 20, 2024)
Today marked the conclusion of our bargaining team's in-person local negotiations with the AMPTP regarding our Camera and Publicist Agreements. We've reached a tentative agreement on Local 600 specific issues. We wish the remainder of the West Coast Studio Locals best of luck as they negotiate their local specific issues. Read full update

Bargaining Update: Local Negotiations Day #1 (March 18, 2024)
Today marked the beginning of our Local Negotiations with the AMPTP. Led by our chief negotiator, National Executive Director Alex Tonisson, we entered local negotiations fully prepared with our proposals for the Camera, Publicists and Amendment Agreements and ready to respond to proposals put forth by the AMPTP. Read full update

Local 600 Negotiations Media Kit (March 13, 2024)
On Monday, March 18, your Local 600 Bargaining Committee will kick off Local Negotiations with the AMPTP. We encourage you to show your support and solidarity for your bargaining team by posting messages of solidarity on social media. Your communications team put together a media kit with shareable content. Use the hashtags #IStandWith600, #Local600Strong and #IASolidarity in your posts and tag us at @ICGLocal600.
Bargaining Update: End of Week #1 (March 7, 2024)
Week One: IATSE-AMPTP Hollywood Basic Agreement General Negotiations and Joint MPI Benefits Update. Read full update
Negotiating Benefits: The Current State of Our MPI Plans (Video) (March 5, 2024)
Bargaining Update: MPIPHP/Basic Benefits Negotiations (March 4, 2024)
Today, at 2 pm (PST), the Negotiating Committee members representing IATSE’s 13 Hollywood Locals, Teamsters Local 399, and Basic Crafts met with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) to begin negotiations relating to the shared Motion Picture Industry Pension and Health Plans (MPIPHP). Read full update
Pre-Bargaining Update: "Many Crafts, One Fight" Solidarity Rally on Sunday, March 3 (February 21, 2024)

IATSE, the Teamsters, and the Hollywood Basic Crafts will host a pre-negotiations kickoff rally on Sunday, March 3 at Woodley Park in Encino. All the below-the-line unions are committed to addressing the unique priorities of each craft, and we are united in our fight to win on issues that affect all of us like economics, sustainable health and retirement benefits, safe working conditions on and off set, among other issues. Read full announcement
Pre-Bargaining Update: Negotiations Begin on March 4 (February 14, 2024)
Ahead of IATSE’s upcoming negotiations with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) beginning on March 4, 2024, the union issued the following update. Read here
Pre-Bargaining Update: IATSE Launches Basic Agreement Negotiations Website (February 8, 2024)
As part of the upcoming negotiations with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), the IATSE has launched a new microsite for the Hollywood Basic Agreement at basic.iatse.net. The site will be regularly updated. We encourage you to visit frequently to stay informed and engaged with the latest developments.

Contract Action Team (CAT)
In preparation for the 2024 Basic Agreement Negotiations, Local 600's Member Outreach Sub-Committee assembled a Contract Action Team (CAT), which is involved in the critical two way member-to-member communication to help spread the word on important bargaining-related information and get feedback from the membership. To join the CAT, please fill out the CAT Commitment form.

Thank You for Your Participation in the Local 600 + IATSE Surveys
Your survey responses will assist the IATSE and Local 600 Bargaining Committees in formulating proposals in preparation for the 2023 Basic Agreement Negotiations. Thank you all for your participation in these surveys.
Frequently Asked Questions
1) Who are the 13 Hollywood Locals?
The bargaining unit is made up of the thirteen Hollywood Locals, including the three national Locals 600, 700 and 800. The 13 Hollywood Locals are as follows:
- Property Craftspersons (44)
- Studio Grips (80)
- Cinematographers (600)
- Sound (695)
- Editors (700)
- Costumers (705)
- Make-Up & Hair (706)
- Lighting Technicians (728)
- Set Painters/Sign Writers (729)
- Art Directors (800)
- Script Supervisors (871)
- Studio Teachers (884)
- Costume Designers (892)
2) Are negotiations the same at every level?
No. The negotiations are typically broken into two parts: Local negotiations and General negotiations. However, for the first time since 1988, IATSE, Teamsters & Hollywood Basic Crafts will bargain pension and health benefits together with the AMPTP. Read more here.
Local negotiations address proposals that are specific to a Local Union (e.g., mandatory staffing of a Still Photographer). Our National Executive Director has been the chief spokesperson during these negotiations.
General negotiations address issues that affect all Local Unions (e.g., benefits and meal breaks). During those negotiations, the bargaining unit is represented by the IATSE President Matt Loeb as chief negotiator, with Vice President Michael Miller assisting.
3) Who bargains the Basic Agreement for the 13 Hollywood Locals?
The IATSE bargains the Basic Agreement for the 13 Hollywood Locals.
4) Does a single entity bargain for all Hollywood Locals?
The 13 Hollywood Locals bargain their own Local Agreements.
5) Who bargains for the employer?
The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) bargains for the employer. The AMPTP is a trade association that represents over 350 television and film producers in collective bargaining negotiations with entertainment industry trade unions that include, among others, the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), SAG-AFTRA, the Directors Guild of America, the Writers Guild of America and the American Federation of Musicians.
6) Who is on Local 600's Bargaining Committee?
Bargaining Committee
Bargaining Committee Subcommittees
7) How can I send a question to the committee?
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