Statement by Steven Poster on the Janus vs. AFSCME Decision

28 Jun 2018

LOS ANGELES, June 28, 2018 - Donald Trump’s Supreme Court issued a decision that strikes a blow at the heart of trade unionism. By a 5-4 vote, the court upended a 40-year precedent that public sector members should pay their fair share for the services and representation at the bargaining table provided by their union. This is the latest assault by billionaires and right-wing activists intended to weaken the influence of all working people. But make no mistake, Local 600 will not back down. We will stand with our sisters and brothers in labor to fight for our members’ ability to join together and take care of their families.  We will continue to organize in right-to-work states to make sure our workplaces are safe, to ensure that we are paid fair wages, to provide families with healthcare and to guarantee that we have a voice on the job. Because when working people stand together, we win.