Message from Local 600 Leadership on Transgender Rights

22 Mar 2023
Dear Local 600 Members,

Once again, an escalating assault on an increasingly-marginalized community is happening in our country. At the recent General Membership Meeting and the National Executive Board Meeting, the current dismantling of transgender rights within our country was brought up with necessary alarm and urgency. Local 600 leadership is sending this email to the entire membership in support of our trans members, who, along with other communities, are seeing their rights as human beings taken away.

The intensifying anti-trans rhetoric, prolific anti-trans state legislations, and the contemptible statements made at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference calling for the “eradication of transgenderism from public life entirely,” are precursors to atrocities that we cannot ignore. Our trans community is under attack, and we stand with our trans members in their fight for equality, justice, and freedom.

Trans rights are human rights. Human rights are at the forefront of workers rights, and therefore central to union ideology. Regardless of socio-economic status, religious beliefs, cultural background, age, race, or identity, we must stand together, use any inherent privileges we are lucky enough to advocate for, protect, and affirm the rights and dignity of us all. These attacks may not directly affect you currently, but make no mistake, a right lost to one is a right lost to all.
The constant barrage of tragic injustices happening all around the world can leave us feeling deflated, disillusioned, and defeated. It can be hard to even find the ground for sure footing to stand up against the assault, but here lies the beauty of being a part of a union. We never have to stand alone because we all stand together, for one another. We stand with our kin in the fight for human rights.

Together we are stronger.