Local 600 at NAB Las Vegas

05 Apr 2023

 Local 600 and ICG Magazine will be hosting two panels and a reception at the 2023 NAB Show at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Workshops and conferences begin on Friday, April 14, with the Exhibition opening at 10 am (PDT) on Sunday, April 16, running through 2 pm (PDT) on Wednesday, April 19. Members receive free registration, find the registration code here.

Are you attending the 2023 NAB Show? Participating on a panel or at a booth? Let the Local know by sending an email to Communications@icg600.com.
Local 600 / ICG Magazine Beer and Wine Reception
The reception for members and guests will take place on Monday, April 17 from 5:30 to 7 pm (PDT) at CineCentral (C7345) in the Central Hall Cine Pavillion. RSVP here.

Panel: “Hitting 2030 Sustainability Goals from Prep to Wrap”
Achieving sustainability goals is NAB’s top requested topic. The Local 600 Sustainability Committee is joining with PERG (the Production Equipment Rental Group) to present a panel on “Hitting 2030 Sustainability Goals from Prep to Wrap.” The panel will take place on Monday, April 17 at 1:30 pm (PDT) in North Hall N252/N254, with panelists:

  • Local 600 Director of Photography Cynthia Pusheck, ASC
  • President of Green Spark Zena Harris
  • Senior Director of Sustainability MBS Studios Amit Jain
  • Koerner Camera Systems Rental Manager Sally Spaderna

Panel: “Mix Your Secret Sauce with Digital Imaging Technicians"
On Tuesday, April 18 at 10 am (PDT) and noon (PDT) in CineCentral, Central Hall Cine Pavillion, Local 600 DITs will present “Mix Your Secret Sauce with Digital Imaging Technicians,” a dive into how the DIT skill set is evolving, the efficiencies they help production realize, and the importance of their work to successful cloud workflows. The discussion will feature Local 600 DITs Dane Brehm and Johanna Salo, with others TBA.