ICG Publicists to Donate $20,000 to the Motion Picture & Television Fund and the Actors Fund

09 Jun 2017

ICG Publicists will donate $10,000 each to the Motion Picture & Television Fund and the Actors Fund. These donations were made possible from surplus funds generated by the 54th Annual ICG Publicists Awards held at the Beverly Hilton last March. The ICG Publicists chose to make these gifts in honor of its members and sponsors for the second year in a row. 

In making the announcement, ICG President Steven Poster, ASC said, “I cannot think of more worthy and appropriate causes than these two organizations that benefit so many members of our community.”

“We hope to continue this valuable tradition of giving back to the community as part of our annual awards luncheon,” said Henri Bollinger, chair of the ICG Publicist Awards. 

Entertainment publicists first formed a union in 1937 as the Screen Publicists Guild, later becoming the Publicists Guild. In 2002 the Publicists Guild merged with the International Cinematographers Guild (Local 600). The first Publicists Awards Luncheon was held in 1962 and has since grown to an event attended annually by up to 900 publicists and industry leaders. Many of the greatest actors, directors and executives have accepted the Motion Picture and Television Showmanship Awards and Lifetime Achievement Awards and include Arnold Schwarzenegger, Clint Eastwood, Julie Andrews, Harrison Ford, Sylvester Stallone, Carol Burnett, Kirk Douglas, Stanley Kramer, Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman, Bob Hope and Shonda Rhimes. In addition, the members honor their own through the Maxwell Weinberg Awards for publicity campaigns, the Bob Yeager Award for Community Service and the Les Mason, the greatest honor to be paid to a publicist. The Guild also publishes the Annual ICG Publicists Membership Directory, which is given out at the Annual ICG Publicists Awards. For more info about the #PublicistsAwards visit our Publicists Awards page.