ICG @ NAB Show 2019
NAB Show is April 6-11 (Exhibits April 8-11) in Las Vegas. Local 600 will be hosting a few events at NAB Show this year. Details are still developing and can possibly change:
Matthew Libatique, ASC: Close-Up
Monday, Apr. 8 | 2:15 - 3:05 pm | South Hall #S222/S223
Join director of photography Matthew Libatique, ASC in a conversation about his exceptionally varied and inventive body of work, including A Star is Born, Iron Man and Black Swan. The two-time Oscar nominee will discuss his approach to lighting, color and a musical feel to camera movement that enhances the story and maintains narrative flow. This panel is part of the Creative Master Series. Moderated by ICG Magazine Executive Editor David Geffner.
ICG/BandPro Booth Party
Monday, Apr. 8 | 5 to 6 pm | Band Pro booth #C8319
Stop by and enjoy a cocktail and conversation with your fellow members, colleagues and friends at the ICG booth party. RSVP by Sunday, Apr. 7.
“The Cinematographic Imaging Process: Where Does it Begin and End?”
Tuesday, Apr. 9 | 11:30 am to 12:30 pm | North Hall, N243.
Join us for a gathering titled “The Cinematographic Imaging Process: Where Does it Begin and End?” co-hosted by Local 600 and the ASC as part of the Birds of a Feather (BoF) program. With the advent of previz, on-set compositing, virtual production, photoreal VFX, and DI finishing for multiple output formats, a project’s “look” is often manipulated far from the set. There will be featured speakers – Kees van Oostrum, ASC, President, ASC; Ryan McCoy, senior previs/postvis supervisor at Halon; Jim Berney, VFX Supervisor; and Andrea Chlebak, senior colorist, Deluxe Group – as well as open discussion between all attendees. ICG Production Technology Specialist, Michael Chambliss, will moderate. BOFs are free to attend with any NAB Show pass. Questions can be emailed to icgbof2019@gmail.com. This event is part of NAB Show's Bird of a Feather (BoF) program.
Register (FREE Exhibits Pass)
Register with promo code MP01 for free Exhibits-only registration pass or $100 off Conference Flex pass or Post/Production World pass.