ICG @ NAB New York 2019

30 Sep 2019

Wednesday, October 16, 2019: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Thursday, October 17, 2019: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Local 600 will be hosting a panel at this year's NAB Show New York. Local 600 does not have a booth at this year's event. 

Nailing a Commercial's Look & Sailing Thru Post
Wednesday, Oct. 16 | 3:00 pm | Stage 1, Level 3 at the Jacob Javits Convention Center

Commercial producers face theatrical-sized challenges with the myriad of large format sensor choices, introduction of HDR, as well as the need to harness metadata and advanced workflows and to generate deliverables in multiple formats. Thorough preproduction testing, workflow validation and oversight from set to post are more important than ever to ensure that lens/sensor incompatibilities, broken color pipelines, improper monitoring and spur-of-the-moment choices don’t upend the shoot and leave post in a hole. Learn how directors of photography work with their DITs from day one to design efficient workflows, circumvent potential on-set problems and establish a playground for agency creatives while helping to keep the budget on target.

Joe DeSalvo, Director of Photography
Kazim Karaismailoglu, Digital Imaging Technician
Adam Kimmel, ASC, Director of Photography
Dave Satin, Digital Imaging Technician

Moderator: Michael Chambliss, Production Technology Specialist/Business Representative, ICG IATSE Local 600

NAB Show New York
For everyone passionate about the craft and business of storytelling. NAB Show New York offers a variety of registration options so you can create a custom learning and shopping experience to suit your needs and budget. Register here.