ICG at Cine Gear

26 May 2016

Local 600 will be at Cine Gear Expo at Paramount Studios in Los Angeles June 3-4 at Booth #23. Stop by ACES Central, co-presented by the Academy, ICG and ASC and attend ICG's Virtual Reality session. Details below:

ACES Central (Presented by the Academy, ICG and ASC)

ACES Central is the destination to learn about “all things ACES” at CineGear. It’s a presentation room on the Paramount backlot, where DITs and colorists will demonstrate ACES in action and, along with cinematographers, make brief presentations. The talks will focus on ACES film and TV projects as well as look management, workflows, VFX pipelines and equipment. Learn about the benefits of ACES to the creative process in a professional and informal setting.


Brad Lipson, Cinematographer (presentation)
Stephen Latty, DIT and Colorist (demo and presentation)
Bobby Maruvada, DIT and Colorist (demo and presentation)
Francesco Giardiello, UK-based DIT, Colorist and Pipeline Specialist
Dado Valentic, UK-based Chief Colorist, mytherapy.tv
Additional Speakers TBD
For Speaker Schedule, see: oscars.org/aces/events

When & Where

Friday, June 3, 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM (demos end at 7:00 PM)
Saturday, June 4, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM (demos end at 4:00 PM)
Booth 124A (Vintage storefront near Stage 16 and ASC booth on NY Street)

“Shooting Live Action VR Content” (Presented by ICG Local 600)

VR is new medium, but creating live action VR content requires many familiar things—cameras, lighting and grip equipment, workflows, actors and crew, but most of all talent and experience in image making. It follows that there are commonalities between VR and 2D content creation, but there are also times when VR requires a fresh aesthetic, technique and tools.

This session will delve into how to craft visual mood and meaning in VR content, approaches to lighting, new factors in blocking and composition, camera and rig choices, how to maximize acquisition quality within current technical limitations, on-set preview solutions, the role of stereography, and more. Hear from filmmakers steeped in VR about how to go about producing live action content this fledgling new medium.


Eve Cohen, Director of Photography
Evan Penses, Director of Photography
Andrew Shulkind, Director of Photography
Céline Tricart, VR Director/1st AC
Ben Schwartz, DIT
Michael Chambliss, ICG Local 600 Business Representative (Moderator)

When & Where

June 4, 10:15 AM 
Sherry Lansing Theater

"Beyond the Rig: Innovative Solutions in Camera Stability Across Film, TV, and More" 

(This is a DJI event, but has ICG speakers and moderator)

Camera stabilizers have revolutionized the way stories are told across all mediums. As digital camera packages have gotten smaller and lighter, new stabilization technology allows users to accomplish incredibly complex moving shots across various platforms and locations where versatility is key. Join the panelists as they discuss unique use cases, how to best utilize new technology to achieve your creative visions, and what the future of camera stabilization may hold. Presented by DJI. 


Steve Gainer, Director of Photography 
Sheldon Schwartz, Executive Creative Director, DJI
Adam Margolis, Camera Operator, "Dancing with the Stars"
Clyde Bessey, RED representative, Director/Producer
Michael Chambliss, ICG Local 600 Business Representative (Moderator)

When & Where

June 4, 4 pm
Sherry Lansing Theater