The Holiday Season: Opportunities to Make a Difference

08 Dec 2021

The Holiday Season: Opportunities to Make a Difference

IATSE Hollywood Young Workers + L.A. Federation of Labor's Holiday Toy Drive
The IATSE Hollywood Young Workers have teamed up with the L.A. Fed for a Holiday Toy Drive. Bring your new, unwrapped toys to donate to the IATSE's West Coast Office at 2210 W Olive Ave., Burbank, 9 am - 5 pm, M - F. Donations accepted until Tuesday, December 14. You can also make a donation towards the Toy Drive here.

American Society of Cinematographers Canned Food Drive
From now until December 17, the ASC will be collecting canned goods for their Annual Food Drive. Donations will be distributed to families in need in Hollywood, CA through the Church of the Blessed Sacrament on Sunset Boulevard. For questions, call Patty at (323) 969-4333 or email

Local 600's Active Engagement Committee Partners with One Warm Coat
Local 600's 2021 winter coat drive (virtual and physical) in conjunction with One Warm Coat is underway. There are collection boxes at the Local 600 offices (LA & NY), at Panavision (Woodland Hills, NYC, & Atlanta) and at Keslow Camera (LA & Atlanta). Starting on January 5, there will be boxes at Cinespace in Chicago which will be collected by the Chicago Young Workers, and on Saturday, January 22, coats can be brought to the Atlanta office. More information on the fundraiser is available here.

Food Banks Across the Country
Looking to volunteer or make a donation to a local food bank? Are you or someone you know of in need of some assistance this holiday season? Check out Feeding America's website and find food pantries in your area in need of donations.

The L.A. Fed and Labor Community Services' Annual Toy Drive & Turkeys and Toys Program
This holiday season, if you'd like to make a donation to the L.A. Fed and Labor Community Services' Annual Toy Drive, you have until Saturday, December 18. Arrange to drop off your new, unwrapped toys by calling (626) 673-4256 or by emailing

In addition to the Toy Drive, if would like to make a donation to Labor Community Services’ Turkeys and Toys program to assist union families during the Holidays, here’s how: Please make a check payable to “Labor Community Services” and on the memo portion of the check write "Turkeys and Toys.” Mail to: Labor Community Services, 2130 W. James M. Wood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90006.

Sacramento Central Labor Council AFL-CIO's 2021 Operation Christmas Basket
This year, the Sacramento Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO is having their Annual Christmas Basket Food and Gifts pick-up on Tuesday, December 21, 8 am (PST) at IBEW Local 340, 10240 Systems Parkway, Sacramento, CA 95827. To learn more about this event, donate, or volunteer, please check out the flier here.