History of Women in the IATSE – One Woman at a Time

01 Mar 2017

The IATSE Women's Committee is happy to announce the first-ever Women's Event to be held at the IATSE Quadrennial Convention on Sunday, July 16th, 2017. As part of the event they are launching a project called "History of Women in the IATSE – One Woman at a Time." To create this part of the program they are seeking participation in the following ways.

How To Participate

  1. Fill out the survey and send in your stories and experiences in "the business." (If your mother, or grandmother was or still is an IA member have them fill out the survey as well. How does your story compare to your mother's? Send pictures as individuals or as a group.)
  2. Pass the survey and these instructions to other women in your Local or in other Locals who have a story to tell and encourage them to submit materials.
  3. Send in pictures of yourself or other IA women at work or participating in Union events such as marches, strikes, union meetings and activities.
  4. Make a video of yourself or other IA women that could be used in the presentation.

The deadline for submissions to be considered for inclusion in the Convention presentation is March 31, 2017.

Instructions for Submissions (PDF)
Survey (Word)

All submissions should be sent to connection@iatse.net.

Questions should be directed to Cecilia Friederichs at ceciliaf@usa829.org.