Deep Dive with "Judas and the Black Messiah"
"Deep Dive" with Warner Bros.' Judas and the Black Messiah
"I Am... A Revolutionary"
Monday, April 19, 2021
12 - 1 pm (PDT) / 3 - 4 pm (EDT)
Local 600/ICG Magazine’s “Deep Dive” #6 highlights one of the key creative partnerships at the heart of the six-time Oscar-nominated drama (including Best Picture and Best Cinematography), Judas and the Black Messiah. This virtual panel brings together co-writer/director, producer Shaka King, and cinematographer Sean Bobbitt, BSC. The Warner Bros. feature, which premiered at Sundance 2021, showcases a variety of looks to support the storyline (based on real events in the late 1960s) – urban noir, recreated documentary footage, and a gritty naturalism that captures the fast-moving, often violent era. From the stunning continuous shot in a Chicago pool hall that opens the film, to the terrifying conclusion of the FBI’s mob-like assassination of Black Panther Party Chairman Fred Hampton as he slept in his apartment, King and Bobbitt have created a visual framework to support a film that will long resonate as both a cinematic and socio-political masterpiece.
About the “Deep Dive” Series
Local 600/ICG Magazine "Deep Dive" panels, and our Instagram Live Q & A’s, explore the blend of creative collaboration, artistry, and technology that Directors of Photography and their camera teams employ to realize the vision behind today’s diverse forms of productions. The most recent "Deep Dive" (#5) highlighted the stage-to-screen challenges of One Night in Miami... and can be viewed here.