Deep Dive with Disney+'s "The Mandalorian"

09 Dec 2020

“This Is The Way (Forward)” – Season 2, The Mandalorian” 
The first live-action Star Wars TV series revolutionizes on-set/VFX workflows

Deep Dive with Disney +'s The Mandalorian
December 21, 2020
2 pm - 3:30 pm (PST)
Register Here

Local 600/ICG Magazine’s "Deep Dive" #4 visits with the creative team behind television’s most talked-about series, The Mandalorian. The Disney + megahit (the first live-action Star Wars TV series), established a revolutionary workflow in Season 1 that included volumetric capture, large-screen LED walls, game engine technology, virtual-camera based previsualization, and the closest integration of on-set capture and visual effects ever attempted. Season 2 of The Mandalorian built upon these innovations, establishing Creator Jon Favreau’s ambitious vision as the bellwether for all future visual effects-based productions (of any size and budget).

Local 600 Director of Photography Baz Idoine
Local 600 Director of Photography Matthew Jensen, ASC
Local 600 Director of Photography David Klein, ASC
ILM Visual Effects Supervisor Richard Bluff
Director Bryce Dallas Howard

Executive Editor David Geffner will moderate the conversation, which first began in ICG Magazine’s February/March cover story on Season 1 of The Mandalorian.

About the “Deep Dive” Series
Local 600/ICG Magazine "Deep Dive" panels explore the blend of creative collaboration, artistry, and technology that Directors of Photography and their camera teams employ to realize the vision behind today's challenging forms of productions. The most recent "Deep Dive" panel #3, highlighting shooting under COVID-19 for Season 12 of NBC Universal’s American Ninja Warrior, is available on-line at Upcoming panels will explore the challenge of going from stage to screen with Amazon Studios’ One Night In Miami, creating an ocean-based period action epic – on stage – with Apple TV+’s Greyhound, and a conversation with the 2020 Oscar-nominated Directors of Photography.