Celebrating the Holidays with Local 600 Members

When you have a creative eye, it doesn’t matter if your trailer is half-buried in Oregonian snow (a la Still Photographer Dale Robinette), passing by your local golf club in Pasadena (like Lighting Director Bob Barnhart), or hunkered down with family in Atlanta (Still Photographer Erika Doss); there’s always an interesting image worth capturing.
To add some smiles and joy to a holiday season sorely lacking in both, we reached out to Local 600 members across the country, requesting holiday images – safely captured, of course – from wherever they called home, as this most unusual year comes to a close.
For some, like Unit Still Photographer Laura Magruder, based in Puerto Rico, it was capturing the gleeful inventiveness of Guild 1st ACs turning into elves on the set of Paradise; for others, like Director of Photography George Mooradian, ASC, it was the warming smile of a Chabad Rabbi offering free Chanukah dreidels and menorahs at an outdoor market in Studio City, CA.
Yes, there are plenty of images with masks (like the sublime shot provided by Still Photographer JoJo Whilden, SMPSP of a delivery person on a scooter in Brooklyn, NY) to remind us how strange and challenging these holidays will be. But there’s also a photograph by Director of Photography David Mullen, ASC, captured in the festive Dyker Heights, Brooklyn neighborhood, filled with the pure joy and sweetness of a child’s gaze, which no pandemic can ever erase.
Hopefully, 600Live!’s year-end photo gallery, so generously provided by your fellow Local 600 members under the safest of conditions, will bring joy to the season, and serve as a reminder of just how fortunate we are to be part of the Local 600 family.