2017 Call for Scholarship Applications

10 Nov 2016

The International Cinematographers Guild Scholarship Fund is offering ten $4,000.00 educational grants for members, and children, step-children, grandchildren, step-grandchildren, and dependents of members where legal guardianship applies (collectively referred to as “Children“) of International Cinematographers Guild members in good standing, or Children of deceased members (whose passing was within one year of November 1, 2016). To be eligible, applicants must be attending full time post-secondary education for the entire 2017-2018 academic year. One of these scholarships may be awarded, if merited, to a student studying filmmaking or industry related study. Funding is available for college, university, graduate school, junior college, conservatory, or any other post-high school technical school in the United States.

High school seniors, college, or graduate school students may apply. You may re-apply if you have applied for a scholarship in the past, even if you've won a scholarship previously. The study of cinematography or photography is not a pre-requisite for this grant. Grants are available for any course of study and is based on your total application.

In keeping with the spirit and diversity of our membership, these grants are awarded based on your commitment to your academic, extra-curricular activities and individual interests. Your personal experiences, talents, and views are as important to the Scholarship Committee in our decision making process as your grades and documented accomplishments. Your application is evaluated based on all these criteria. However, there is no guarantee of funding, and as these are one-year scholarships only, there is no guarantee of continued funding year to year.

Our application includes a section on your academic achievement, extra-curricular activities or employment and two essays designed for you to speak out about yourself. Please fill out the application completely. We also require your official transcripts and at least one recommendation, sent under separate envelope from the person who wrote it, with their signature. We will not consider your application without all of these elements. Like most college applications, essays and recommendations weigh heavily in our evaluation process. We also encourage you to send us supporting materials that demonstrate your talents. We have found that a complete application including thoughtful and insightful essays, all official transcripts, three recommendations, and supporting materials have made the most positive impact on our selection process.

We hope you apply for this unique grant opportunity. We look forward to learning about you and your focus in life, no matter how unconventional it might be, through your application. Please remember that you must postmark the enclosed application by no later than March 1, 2017. Please mail to ICG, Local 600 IATSE, Attention: Scholarship, 7755 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90046.


Ted Wachs
International Cinematographers Guild Scholarship Committee