2015-2016 Billy Bitzer Awards Call for Nominations
It’s time once again for the Guild’s Eastern Region members to consider our biennial awards to members who have brought honor to the Guild and to our crafts. You are invited to submit the names of members, in any of our Guild classifications, who would be deserving of this prestigious award. As in past years, there will be two awards – one for a current member, active or retired, and one for a deceased member, which will be awarded posthumously.
Members are reminded that they may nominate themselves.
Each nomination should include a brief biography of the nominee, citing important projects, awards and award nominations, honors bestowed, services performed for the Guild and any other information that should be considered.
The awards are named for Billy Bitzer, the first elected President of the former Local 644 (now the Guild’s Eastern Region), who was cameraman for the legendary D.W. Griffith.
The deadline for receipt of nominations is July 15, 2016.
You may send your nominations, with a brief biography to Sol Negrin at bparadisin@optonline.net or at one of the following addresses:
Sol Negrin, ASC
c/o Int’l Cinematographers Guild, Local 600
80 Eighth Avenue, #1400
New York NY 10011
Sol Negrin, ASC
3 Balsam Lane
Commack NY 11725-2414